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Prototype Levels

Some Pestilence's iterations on level design


This are some prototype situations in level design. All of them were then used for the final form of the levels. 



Before creating the situations, I had to first create modules that felted right to build levels. I had to do a lot of iterations with some of them (like the covers and the door) and a lot of research comparing the metrics of other games

Stairs (1).jpg

Isolated situations

Situation B

In this other, an enemy is guarding a door in a prohibited zone, so the only way of passing through will be sneaking into the side room and possesing the NPC that is allowed there. There's a guard patrolling near him, and a window near the door, sugesting to the player the use of the pulse ability to control the enemy path.


Situation implemented in the 'Theatre level' of the final game.


Situation D

In this other, there are a few paths to reach the exit point. A balcony (using the throwable teleport), the locked door and the guarded entrance. Each of them has different ways of surpassing and they can be combined.


This situation was not implemented in the game, but it served as inspiration for the Theatre.

Situation A

In this situation, 2 guards are patrolling the area. The player's goal is to reach the door at the end.

There's a scaffold, some boxes and a hide spot, so the player can choose a few paths and movements within the situation.


Situation implemented in the 'Warehouse level' of the final game.



Situation C

In this one, the target is reaching a 'judge' and kill him. There are 2 guards patrolling the area and the player must avoid them using the covers or throwing a teleport. There are some structures covering more vertical space to encourage the use of the 'pulse' (see through walls).


Situation implemented in the 'tutorial level' of the final game.

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